
Christchurch Envirohub is a proud member of Environment Hubs Aotearoa, a charitable incorporated society led by 18 member organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand. Established in 2018, Christchurch Envirohub provides environmental and sustainability organisations in Greater Christchurch a welcoming hub to connect, support, educate and inspire.


An ecosystem of sustainability and environmental organisations in Greater Christchurch with sufficient capacity to pursue their missions.


To strive for environmental and community wellbeing in Greater Christchurch while honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi.


The purpose of Christchurch Envirohub is to nurture and support sustainability and environmental organisations in Greater Christchurch.

Guiding Values and Principles

Christchurch Envirohub engages with its network, partners and the wider community according to a set of principles and values. Te Tiriti o Waitangi is acknowledged as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand, and Māori as mana whenua. At Envirohub, we respect te ao Māori, tikanga, kawa, and whanonga pono. We look to develop relationships with iwi and hapū as partners, founded on respect, trust, and reciprocity. Kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga guide the way in which we operate.

At Christchurch Envirohub, we strive for the highest standard of professionalism and integrity. We respect the aspirations and opinions of the sustainability and environmental community and a set of principles guide the way in which we operate and prioritise the activities we undertake.


Facilitating and supporting the development of innovate ideas, initiatives and solutions


Strengthen the network of environmental and sustainability organisations by providing useful tools and services to them aswell as working collaboratively


Strive to connect with all the environmental and sustainability groups in Christchurch to establish a better understanding of projects and initiatives and share the positive outcomes from the mahi achieved.


Create positive and inviting spaces for people to enjoy working and gathering in. 


Support our network through our services and spaces to enable them to achieve ‘on the ground’ work, including restoring and regenerating our environment.


 Build the working relationships necessary that truly honour others and fosters a sense of belonging.

Our Team


Board Members

Jocelyn Papprill -
Chair Person

Jocelyn is a committed educator for sustainability. Currently, she works part-time as a Youth Engagement and Education Advisor at Environment Canterbury and runs her own educational consultancy, Sustain Ed, from her home in Christchurch. She was a Social Sciences teacher for 25 years and is most proud of creating, with a colleague, a Level 2 NCEA Sustainable Futures course at a Christchurch school. She is a community activist, involved with numerous environmental groups, and is currently Regional Branch Coordinator with the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE).


Abby Mather - Trustee

Abby is policy advisor in central government with a past life as a project and programme coordinator in local government, crown entities and private organisations. She completed a masters degree in Policy and Governance from the University of Canterbury with her dissertation exploring the potential impact of using citizens’ assemblies to increase public involvement in the creation of climate policies in Aotearoa. She is a committed environmentalist, advocate for enhanced democratic participation, biking enthusiast and passionate animal rights supporter. In her spare time you will find her baking up a vegan storm, getting stuck into her vege garden or trying her hand at a new craft. 

Kat Ralph - Trustee

Kat wears multiple hats in her professional and academic life. She serves as a part-time waste minimisation consultant for Sustainably, an SME based in Christchurch. Simultaneously, she dedicates herself to her academic pursuits as a part-time student working towards a Master of Sustainable Practice at Ara Institute of Canterbury.

Kat’s journey into the world of waste management is a testament to her adaptability and passion for sustainability. With a solid background in event management, she transitioned seamlessly into the waste industry after playing a pivotal role in the development of the Christchurch City Council’s groundbreaking initiative, Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE). She now has her sights set on catalysing positive change across other sectors.

Her advocacy extends far and wide, encompassing the promotion of circular economy systems, conscious consumption, and resource recovery. Beyond her professional commitments, Kat cherishes her role as a mother to two children and as a supportive wife, all while calling Tauhinu Korokio—Mt Pleasant home.

In her moments of respite, she indulges in a diverse range of leisure activities, including running, singing, and playing the ukulele.


Juliet Robertson - Secretary

Juliet is a passionate sustainability professional who is loving the opportunity to support Christchurch Envirohub in the role of secretary. She recently completed her Masters at UC, which focused on the consumers’ role within supply chains as part of a circular economy. Juliet now supports businesses through their carbon certification and reduction journey in her position at Toitū Envirocare. 


Ben Alder -
Trust Manager

Ben graduated from the University of Canterbury specialising in Management, Marketing and Business and Sustainability. Whilst studying Ben worked as a Community Project Activator for the Shirley Village Project alongside Steve Jones-Poole. Helping both create and activate the projects occurring within Shirley. Ben loves to fight for the environment as well as get involved with his community, you will often find him exploring the hills, mountains and forests or planting in his own back garden. 

Kate Gislason -
Engagement Coordinator

Kate moved to New Zealand from Michigan, U.S.A. to finish her studies and graduated from Lincoln University with a Bachelor’s of Environmental Management. She is very passionate about waste minimisation. She also works part time for Total Waste Solutions/Sustainably as a Graduate Advisor working on projects to increase landfill diversion and increase environmental education and awareness. Kate is a social butterfly and loves to connect with all members of the community through environmental and social events. She previously worked for 2 years in the U.S.A. at a recycling center as an upcycler and then moved up to a communication and events planning role, both of which continue to inspire her fun and educational events she puts on every Saturday for Envirokids!

Otakaro River -Waipapa St Margarets & Selwyn House

Jenny Bond -
Te Tuna Tāone Facilitator

Jenny brings over 20 years of experience working with tamariki, community, industry, and local government to facilitate behaviour change to improve waterway health. Her expertise includes engagement, facilitation, project & event management, working with rūnanga, stormwater and drainage infrastructure, waste management, freshwater ecology, water quality, river engineering, native plantings, communications, marketing, central and local government. She has experience in both rural and urban environments, namely Christchurch and Banks Peninsula. Jenny holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Victoria University and a Postgraduate Diploma in Resource Studies (Environmental Management) from Lincoln University.  What she loves about her mahi is coaching ākonga to realise their action ideas. When not working she is ‘mum’ to two energetic wildings. When not working she is ‘mum’ to two energetic wildings skiing, gardening, baking, boogie boarding and helping them to answer all their ‘why’ questions.

Megan Blakie -
Impact Storyteller

When not jumping out of a plane for charity, I enjoy sailing in Tōtaranui/Marlborough Sounds and observing the wonders of the sea. With a background in communications and a heart for the non-profit sector, I enjoy using words to help motivate people to care: for the environment, the creatures we’re interconnected with, and each other. I regularly pick up litter while walking my dog, and advocate for reducing one-use designed plastics.

Jolie Sarginson -
Envirokids Facilitator

Jolie is a student passionate about Te Taiao, Te Ao Māori, and youth engagement. She spends a lot of time in these spaces through her work, studies and volunteering. The reason she loves working with Envirokids is because it encompasses all of these values. When choosing an organisation she wants to volunteer with, it is crucial that it aligns with these values and passions; which is why she is currently a part of the Environment Canterbury Youth Rōpū. She also works for student 360 which provides professional support for Māori & Pacifica youth. Jolie has grown up as a proud Māori wāhine, spending her time outside with Papatūānuku is what brings her joy, especially when it’s hiking.

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