The Stormwater Superhero trailer is a mobile resource designed to provide education around stormwater along with actions we can take to prevent contaminating it. The trailer consists of two 3D model games showing paths of both treated and untreated water but also, the ideal paths for the native long fin tuna eel to take in order to survive. Additionally it is equipped with a touch screen TV providing further multichoice educational games and an educational movie around stormwater.
Waterways can recover; however, it takes a sustained effort over many years. Working together we can make a positive difference. Every bit helps — even small things make a difference.
Stormwater is water that runs off roofs, driveways, roads and gardens then into gutters. It flows untreated into our waterways and out to sea. On its journey, it picks up a whole heap of nasty bits and pieces that end up in our rivers and streams. This includes litter and rubbish, animal excrement and chemicals from things like washing cars and paintbrushes on the driveway.
To ensure the safety of the user and the trailer, any booking made to use the trailer will require the user to have a training session with a Christchurch Envirohub team member. Additionally you may need to be prepared to transport the trailer and have someone actively facilitate it. To book the trailer click the button below.
Environment Canterbury’s surface water quality data shows the following key contaminants are of concern throughout the Christchurch urban catchment:
The good news is – it’s easy to be a Stormwater Superhero. We can all take small actions to help keep stormwater clean and improve the quality of water in our rivers and streams.
These include things like:
If you are keen to take more extensive action you can look at creating a rain garden.
Whether you work in a workshop, on a construction site or in an office — it’s important to look after our stormwater at work as well. It’s particularly important for workplaces storing and using oils and hazardous substances to have stormwater protection measures and spill procedures in place to prevent any pollution getting into the stormwater network and ending up in our waterways.
Information about what you can do in your workplace to help keen our waterways clean:
If you see dirt or sediment leaving building sites and going onto footpaths or roads phone Environment Canterbury on 0800 765 588 (24/7) or report using the Snap, Send, Solve app.
Find more resources on stormwater:
Additional CCC links